The Fable and the Emblem of the Spider

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1  Fable 12. The Spider and the Vineyard. Codex Atlanticus. f. 820 r,
c. 1478-1518. Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan.


2  Fable 33. The Spider and the Keyhole. Codex Atlanticus. f. 820 v,
c. 1478-1518. Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan.


3  Fable 33. The Spider and the Keyhole. Highlighted Element: Emblem and Fable. Codex Atlanticus. f. 820 v,
c. 1478-1518. Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan.


4  Fable 33. The Spider and the Keyhole. Highlighted Element: Emblem Phases. Codex Atlanticus. f. 820 v,
c. 1478-1518. Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan.

The Fable and the Emblem of the Spider